Palm Springs Pride: Meet Me at the Author's Village!

Hi everyone!  I'm so looking forward  to appearing at this year's Palm Springs Pride Author's Village, brought to you by Q Trading Co. After the parade on Sunday November 4th, from 1PM-2PM, I'll be signing books and answering your questions.  It's going to be a great event, and I hope you'll join me.  And if you're in the desert area and can't make Pride, make sure to stop by Q Trading Co., which carries my novel, Songs for the New Depression, and grab a copy!  Parts of the novel are set in Palm Springs, and I'm sure you'll recognize some of the locales!  See you in November!Palm Springs Pride - Author's VillageNovember 4, 2012, 1PM-2PM


West Hollywood Book Fair: Humbling


Butterfly-O-Meter Gives "Songs for the New Depression" 5 Butterflies!