Butterfly-O-Meter Gives "Songs for the New Depression" 5 Butterflies!

Gotta tell you, I love-love-love it when someone reads and understands my book, Songs for the New Depression.  With a challenging lead character in Gabriel Travers, it seems from most reviews that readers either love or hate him; there is no in-between.  Yes, he is flawed, critical, and at times downright awful, but he is also smart, funny, passionate, confused, and genuinely attempting to change his ways, if only he knew how.  I sympathize with him a great deal, and don't always understand it when someone else writes him off as simply mean, unlikeable, or without redemption.Happily, most folks do "get" him, including this terrific new review at Butterfly-O-Meter.You should head over there to read the full review, where she notes that the book is in her top 5 reads of the year thus far, among other flattering things.  Here, though, is my favorite of her quotes:  "So, all in all, this book is a work of art. It won't be a hit and run, it won't fleet away after you've galloped through it, it won't leave you the way you were when you started the read. I was touched, moved, impressed and sort of shaken after reading this, and I'm still recovering now, 24 hours later, and you know what? That's what a book should be able to do for you. That's what art should be able to do for you, alter your soul once you've been touched by its magnificence. I'm altered."Thank you, Butterfly-O-Meter!


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