"Songs for the New Depression" named one of the "Top 5 Books of 2012"
I'm so grateful to having "Alfred Lives Here" name Songs for the New Depression as one of their Top 5 Books of 2012! What a thrill to be recognized. Here's what it said:
A realistic touching beautiful story of a man battling AIDS, his life and friends and loves. The story goes from clever and funny to really hard to read because it is so sad and so real. I wrote a post about this one here. If you haven't read it yet, read it now.Add this to the wonderful inclusion on Out in Print's Best Books of 2012 list, and I can easily say that I'll always remember 2012. How wonderful to have had my book resonate with so many. I appreciate your emails, notes, and support, and look forward to introducing you to a new book in 2013!Happy holidays,Kergan