This Year, Thanksgiving Comes Early

It’s hard to express how I feel, being so close to the release of my debut novel, Songs for the New Depression. It has been over 12 years since I wrote the line which would go on to become the first sentence in the novel. When I wrote it, I had no idea of the journey which lie ahead.At the time, I was in an entirely different relationship than I am now, did not yet have any children, and thought that my life’s path would go very differently than it has. It is amazing how life has a way of shifting things — both events and perspectives — until we are on the right and best path forward.As I write this, I am six days away from seeing the dream of being a published author realized. A wide array of thoughts and emotions are housed within me. I am nervous, hoping that the book meets expectations (both others and my own.) I am grateful, for both the support I’ve received and the positive reviews (so far!) I am exhausted, from trying to balance work/family/writing/life. I am energized, knowing that I am utilizing my skills. I am relieved, having this project finally come to fruition. And I am daunted by all that still lies ahead in terms of promoting the book — not to mention starting the next one.This moment is so close, and yet feels so far away. I’m guessing that — when it comes — it will feel much like Christmas, when the build up far exceeds the day itself. Instead, I’m hoping it feels more like Thanksgiving, which somehow seems to linger and hover, the day elongating, whether due to full bellies, emotion, or tryptophan.But unlike Thanksgiving, I’m really hoping this book release proves in no way to be a turkey.


New Beginnings


The Person Behind the Fiction