The Bookworm Sez: "The Perfect Book to Give This Holiday Season"

Gifts Not Yet GivenThanks so much to Terri Schlichenmeyer who includes Gifts Not Yet Given in her nationally syndicated column, The Bookworm Sez, on her list of "The Perfect Books to Give Everyone This Holiday Season."  She notes:

For the person on your list who loves the holidays — all holidays — wrap up “Gifts Not Yet Given and Other Tales of the Holidays” by Kergan Edwards-Stout. It’s a collection of short stories about the holidays we hold dear and the ways we keep them.

I also got a very sweet note today from a reader who just finished reading Gifts Not Yet Given and wanted an autographed copy to send her mother:

I just finished your book... And I loved it.  Imaginative stories that touched and uplifted the heart... Well-crafted  and colorful characters with rich inner lives.  What a wonderful writer you are!

I'm happy to send autographed copies of the book to those interested. Heck, if you want to send to someone as a gift, I'm happy to gift-wrap it and include a note from you as well! Just send me an email and we can coordinate payment and shipping.  Happy holidays!


Out in Print: Great Review of GIFTS NOT YET GIVEN


Fri. Dec. 6th and Sat. Dec. 7th: Holiday Book Signing