Thank You to My Readers!
I wanted to express my sincere gratitude to all who've taken the time to read either my articles on Huffington Post, LGBTQ Nation, and Bilerico Project, or my novel, Songs for the New Depression. Since the book's release just over a year ago, I've met many wonderful people, including one terrific man who's read my novel four times and came to the West Hollywood Book Fair, just so we could meet. I'm humbled that anything I've written could so impact another, and cherish the inherent responsibility which accompanies it.From beginning to end, my novel took 12 years to write and publish, and it is gratifying to have people discover it. Conversely, my "Please De-Friend Me" article was written early one morning, in less than an hour, when I couldn't sleep, and at this writing has over 124,000 facebook likes! The power of social media is simply staggering...In the past months, I've had the pleasure of meeting readers at the West Hollywood Book Fair, Homo-Centric, and Palm Springs Pride, and these interactions have touched me deeply. I value "connection", and believe that our common humanity has the power to enlighten us and lift up our souls.I've been working on a new book, a collection of short stories called Gifts Not Yet Given, which will be published next year, and as we head toward the holiday season, I can't think of any better gift for an author than the responses of readers. Your feedback and support mean more than you'll ever know, so please keep it coming!Thank you,Kergan