In Memorium: Shane Michael Sawick
Without a doubt, the most pivotal moment of my life was meeting and the time I spent loving Shane Michael Sawick. Quite simply, without having been lover, partner, and caregiver to him, I wouldn't be the human, writer, partner, and father that I am today. I am forever grateful to all that he opened me up to, both in terms of new lessons learned, and to the more fully authentic emotional connection I have with myself and with others.
Today, Memorial Day, as we celebrate those we have loved and lost, I hold up Shane.To help honor and keep his memory alive, today I launched a special Tribute section to him on this site. It includes a biography, photo gallery, Shane in his own words, as well as essays I wrote around the time of his illness and death which were inspired by him (Different?, Who Am I Now?, and A Year of Goodbyes). Most importantly, there is also a page designated for you -- whether you knew Shane or not -- where you can share your memories, stories, or thoughts.
I envision this to be a living memorial, which we can all add to, to more fully complete a picture of Shane, for all who visit here. As fully as I knew him, I was only with him for two years. Many of you knew him far longer. I'm looking for your stories, your memories, your photos...Let's add to this, celebrate, and share with others, the extraordinary life of Shane Michael Sawick. Taken from us all, far too soon...