Do Republicans Care About Anything Besides Money???

I know some of you hate when I get political, and I promise to post about cute bunnies in the near future, but I seriously have a hard time understanding why some people continue to vote Republican. Now, I have my issues with Obama, but by-and-large, given an obstructionist Republican House, I think he's done the best he can given what he inherited and the political landscape. True, we are not yet out of the woods, but we are getting there. Republicans, on the other hand, seem content to let the country fail rather than support laws they themselves have previously supported--simply because Obama supports them as well. The Republican Party offers politicians and platforms which are anti-women, anti-gay, anti-poor, anti-earth, anti-people of color, anti-arts, anti-jobs creation (unless it comes from the top down), and that anti list goes on and on.My biggest issue is that they don't seem to offer ANY solutions to help make this world better.  They don't accept legitimate science, which says our earth is imploding, because they don't want to be forced to use their profits to fix the situation. They don't accept medical fact when it comes to healthcare (women's or men's), and seem to believe that a bunch of white men voted into office know better about what is right for our bodies than certified medical professionals. They continue to deny equal treatment, equal pay, and equal opportunity under the law (which you'd think would actually be a very conservative stance), to women, people of color, gays and lesbians, and transgendered people.They seem to be most concerned about keeping millionaires and billionaires protected, at the expense of the people who actually helped make those folks all that money. Now, I hate paying more than I would like in taxes--believe me, we scrimp and save wherever we can--but I'd gladly pay more to help make this country/world better, to try to help our less fortunate, improve education and healthcare, to help ensure this earth and its climate prospers for our kids.But the Republican Party AIN'T the party that my folks have long supported--that party of "Ronald Reagan"--and hasn't been for some time. It is a party of ideologues whose only goal seems to be in protecting their wealth, and obliterating anyone who stands in their way. Where are their ideas for helping to make this world better?I'd like to hear from some of you--you know who you are--as to why you continue to let these folks speak for you--and why you vote for them. I know quite a few Republicans who aren't wealthy, and why they're supporting Republicans is beyond me. It's one thing to vote out of greed and wanting to hang on to your money, but another to vote for folks who don't give a damn about you.Explain.Cross-posted on Bilerico Project.


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