Gratitude--and Giveaways!
First, a sincere "thank you" to all who have helped spread my open letter to Rick Santorum far and wide. It is truly amazing how something written as a late night rant, fueled by both anger and chardonnay, can somehow find its way to the Huffington Post -- and beyond! I appreciate the countless notes and comments of support.The fact is, I love being a dad. While parenting isn't for everyone, for those for whom it is, it can be the best reward life offers. I am eternally grateful to all who have helped get my message out there--that every kid deserves a home, food, and love. Where it comes from isn't as important as that it comes at all...Secondly, this week, several sites are offering Giveaways of my novel, Songs for the New Depression, which--I'm happy to announce--has been shortlisted for the 2011 Indie Lit Awards. All of these are great sites, worth checking out, and I hope you'll enter the contests!
- Ending Wednesday: The Bilerico Project, a fantastic LGBT news/advocacy website, has three paperback copies--and not many entries yet, so that may be a good bet!
- Ending Thursday: Deep Dish, a fun gay culture site, has two paperbacks up for grabs.
- Ending Sunday: Goodreads, a great site for all things bookish, is offering an autographed paperback.
- Ending Wednesday January 18: Bookish Ardour, a book blog focusing on LGBT, speculative fiction, classics, and more, is offering 3 e-books!
If you haven't yet, please consider sharing my letter to Rick Santorum with your friends and family. I firmly believe that, together, we can create real change in the world, and make this a place where all are treasured.