Fun Everywhere

These days, I'm guessing that most of us could use a bit more fun. With all of the pressures surrounding us, it almost feels as if we have to force ourselves to program in relaxation time.  But what if you suddenly encountered a spontaneous situation on the street which instantly brought a smile to your face?Improv Everywhere does just that, bringing joy to life on a semi-regular basis. Whether through their inspired musicals, or "no pants on the subway", or their latest, "Carousel Horse Race," they find the funny in the every day experience, creating situations that continually amuse.My first exposure to them was when I was working with a marketing company who worked in Best Buy.  Improv Everywhere had the inspired idea to send a hundred people wearing royal blue polo shirts into a Best Buy store, just for the sheer confusion of it.While that was amusing, they've created countless other missions which have been even funnier.  They recreated Ghostbusters live at the New York Public Library, during regular library hours, tried to shout out to a "lost" friend at a Knicks game, and in the brilliant Ted's Birthday, a group assembles in a bar, randomly choosing a clueless patron who they all insist is "Ted" and proceed to celebrate his birthday.My all-time favorite, the Food Court Musical, is below, which ties for the sublime Frozen Grand Central for the best Improv Everywhere.  Check out their site and discover a world of imagination and inspiration, where fun is delivered in the most unexpected of places.


I am a Mother-F@$&n' American. Let the Fireworks Begin!


I am a Freak.