Book Talk With Charla - Review: "Songs for the New Depression"
I'm extremely grateful for the terrific review given to Songs for the New Depression by Book Talk With Charla. Doesn't get better than 5 out of 5 Stars!Book Talk With Charla:This book touched me at the core of my being! It gives a real look at what life is like with AIDS. It is a story of love and devotion, and a self examination of a dying man. It takes you inside of Gabes head and as you read, you suffer along with him and sometimes you laugh. You will find that his concerns are the same as your own. I think that is why this story had such an emotional hold on me. I'm not just talking about the disease and the suffering because of it. I am talking about the path that each persons life takes them down. This book will have you examining your own conscious and the things you have and have not done in your life. Like another reviewer, I suggest that you keep a box of tissue handy because you will certainly need them. I am so glad that I read this because it has brought to mind things that I had not thought of before. If you remember anything that I have said about this book, please remember this; It is a story of love and devotion! I read this book in just a couple of days because I could not stop once I started reading.